
Lots of Cool Ruby Libraries Getting Into Debian

November 22nd, 2009

I just happened to notice that Sinatra has made it into Debian - awesome!

Looks like Merb is about there too:

libextlib-ruby1.8 - General Ruby 1.8 class extensions for DataMapper and Merb
libextlib-ruby1.9 - General Ruby 1.9 class extensions for DataMapper and Merb
libextlib-ruby - General Ruby class extensions for DataMapper and Merb

Thin is there, Rack is there, Ramaze, Camping, and Mongrel too. No Unicorn yet, but I expect it soon.

I'm curious about Spec and Nora... so many to choose from!


  • Improve gem / Debian configurations
  • Improve ruby 1.9 support
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