
Bespin Guts

March 4th, 2009

Here are some notes I'm taking about the cool Bespin editor from Mozilla labs:

  • Divided into two parts: frontend and backend
  • Runs as a python web server, uses sqlite3 (awesome!) as a database for user (and file?) storage, build from WSGI components (Paste, SQLAlchemy)
  • I would like to set strictlines on permanently
  • It runs locally unless: paver server.port=8000 start - format has changed to use server.address=...


  • I'd like to create my own backend using other components: NGINX, DAV, Apache2, or something along those lines, especially DAV.
  • I'd like to try manipulating some of the editor behavior - like closing tags, using spaces for tabs, etc., maybe even make it more like vim!

Database Tables:

CREATE TABLE directories (	id INTEGER NOT NULL, 	project_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 	name VARCHAR(700) NOT NULL, 	parent_id INTEGER, 	PRIMARY KEY (id), 	 FOREIGN KEY(project_id) REFERENCES projects (id) ON DELETE cascade, 	 UNIQUE (project_id, name), 	 FOREIGN KEY(parent_id) REFERENCES directories (id) ON DELETE cascade);
CREATE TABLE files (	id INTEGER NOT NULL, 	project_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 	name VARCHAR(700) NOT NULL, 	created TIMESTAMP, 	modified TIMESTAMP, 	saved_size INTEGER, 	data BLOB, 	edits BLOB, 	dir_id INTEGER, 	PRIMARY KEY (id), 	 FOREIGN KEY(project_id) REFERENCES projects (id) ON DELETE cascade, 	 UNIQUE (project_id, name), 	 FOREIGN KEY(dir_id) REFERENCES directories (id) ON DELETE cascade);
CREATE TABLE filestatus (	user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 	file_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 	read_only BOOLEAN, 	PRIMARY KEY (user_id, file_id), 	 FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES users (id) ON DELETE cascade, 	 FOREIGN KEY(file_id) REFERENCES files (id) ON DELETE cascade);
CREATE TABLE members (	project_id INTEGER, 	user_id INTEGER, 	 FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES users (id) ON DELETE cascade, 	 FOREIGN KEY(project_id) REFERENCES projects (id) ON DELETE cascade);
CREATE TABLE migrate_version (	repository_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, 	repository_path TEXT, 	version INTEGER, 	PRIMARY KEY (repository_id));
CREATE TABLE projects (	id INTEGER NOT NULL, 	name VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, 	user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 	PRIMARY KEY (id), 	 FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES users (id) ON DELETE cascade, 	 UNIQUE (user_id, name));
CREATE TABLE users (	id INTEGER NOT NULL, 	username VARCHAR(128), 	email VARCHAR(128), 	password VARCHAR(20), 	settings BLOB, 	quota INTEGER, 	amount_used INTEGER, 	PRIMARY KEY (id), 	 UNIQUE (username));

I'm working on a page in the wiki here: Bespin at the Docunext Wiki

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