WSGI is pretty cool stuff - I messed around with cherrypy today, and enjoyed what I found. For a fairly small codebase its quite flexible…
As a follow up to my last post about javascript libraries, I'm now reading "Bulletproof AJAX" by Jeremy Keith. I'm pleased with what I've…
I started this post several months ago and finally got around to examining some of these libraries. So far, I really like the jQuery library…
I submitted some projects to recently, then came up with thoughts to share. raises awareness about the importance of code…
I followed the WSGI Hello World Tutorial , and modified it to learn a little bit about how WSGI URIs are handled. I am familiar with how…
Canvas is a cool concept, but the fact that Apple is taking the position that it believes itself to own intellectual property related to…
I like the idea of running numerous lightweight daemons behind a larger, multi-threaded server. Other issues: What's the best way to connect…
Bye bye Think Secret! Apple has put an end to the Think Secret website we've known and loved for so long...Here's the press release posted…
I've recently setup Wordpress high availability cluster using a pfSense load balancer. It works great, most of the time. There are…
I've decided to make a concerted effort to learn python, so I just purchased O'Reilly's "Learning Python" by Mark Lutz. I might even…
I just wrote to Mark Nottingham, the author of the Cacheability Engine, to ask if he would reconsider licensing the software under the GPL…
Zeth at command line warriors has launched a campaign for laptop users to encrypt their home directories. I don't encrypt my laptop, but I…
I'm trying to slyly host several svn repositories: using mod_rewrite and SVNParentPath (set to…
I did finally close my dreamhost account, it was to renew in January 2008. Contrary to how Netfirms is behaving, Dreamhost was amicable…
My co-worker Rae keeps talking about the Mac tablet rumors - she thinks it would be really cool if there ever is such a thing. I tend to…
I just got an email from NetFirms letting me know my account was up for renewal. I responded saying that I canceled my Netfirms account back…
I am still having a bit of trouble figuring out the right limits for virtual environments in OpenVZ. I just ran into some limits, but I'm…
I'm setting up proftpd on debian, using openbsd-inetd. One glitch so far: I commented that out, and now getting this: In the end I ended up…
Found this new python / Apache module thanks to clw, its similar, but potentially faster, than mod_fcgid. Its terrific to have choices…
Exciting news! Roundcube web-based email is now available in the debian repositories. I first used roundcube thanks to the fine folks at…
I just ran into an issue with the traffic shaper on pfSense. I was downloading a large file from a server behind the firewall over the vpn…
I'm trying to setup trac with psyco, and so far it seems to work but I have no clue if it actually is working. I just added this to the…
I'm trying new ways to defend against comment spam, thanks to these sites for providing IP block lists, or links to IP block lists: http…
Apache can sometimes cause problems when configured certain ways in certain environments with certain clients. Like FIN_WAIT_2. If you setup…
I just installed the latest and greatest trac software on a new server I'm building. In this case, I wanted to install to a separate…
Can this work on more than one interface at a time? My tests indicate it can only run on one interface. If it can indeed only run on one…
I've been trying to switch to Safari after several pleasant years using Camino. Why? Only because Safari supports multiple usernames and…
I just installed pfSense on an old PIII server (intel L440GX mainboard), and for whatever reason, it would freeze when booting. By disabling…
This morning, I was able to setup mod_proxy as a simple and effective alternative to network address translation (NAT). I eventually want to…
I'm trying to get a reverse DNS entry for one of the IP addresses which Comcast has allocated to my business. Is it possible? It actually is…
I've been searching for a MySQL Replication Manager, and found a lot of stuff, but nothing yet fits my needs. This one looks good: http…
I was just thinking - its been a few months since I started using a remote reboot switch instead of wake on lan. Hate to admit it, but its…
Note to self: today you updated the traffic shaping rules on the m0n0wall net4501 to prioritize the in-office public server, and penalize…
The Apache mailing lists have been mentioning mod_serf lately as an alternative to mod_proxy. It actually looks really interesting, and its…
I performed some updates on a server I manage which runs Gentoo today. There were a couple of hitches: The first one, neon, doesn't seem to…
I've primarily been a pc user for the majority of my life, but in the past couple years I've dove into the world of Macintosh's a little bit…
Another case of open licensing conflicts: I'm trying to choose a dbm format to use, and I like the way SDBM is fast. Unfortunately, PHP…
This is awesome. :-) I just read a note at, referenced from that you can set a sysctl setting to reboot after a…
I finally got around to testing out labrea last night. It works as described, though I didn't test it out too extensively. I ran it on a…
One of my servers threw another MCE this morning (Machine Check Error), and I guess it is being caused by ECC memory. I was able to capture…
I just noticed that the cron command I commented out on my debian machines to extend the length of my php5 sessions has resulted in a…
Dreamhost just sent me an email about their plans to move an entire hosting cluster, resulting in downtime for over 8 hours - if all goes…
Well the G4 was passed off to me today. I just had to clear it of all it's old data. I inserted an install CD and held down C as I rebooted…
Well this past weekend I took apart the iBook G3 to see if I could find the faulty connection. I was able to find a better guide for…
Email Premier Apps by Google Clear pricing... What does change smtp envelope mean? Kind of strange... Local server would be nice on the…
I admit, I'm not a big fan of reading policy manual's. Are you? Probably not. So I've been procrastinating the undertaking of the debian…
Since mod_rewrite and mod_dbd aren't quite ready for production use yet, I'm going to remove my mod_rewrite perl script which looks up…
Just updated courier-imapd-ssl on debian and got this error in the logs and was unable to connect: For some reason, my existing /etc/courier…
I've decided to give it a try - Trac with MySQL: I already have MySQL installed. I tried doing the trac-admin initenv test-trac/ before…
Now that the Via C7 is again available at a reasonable price, I'm planning some more experiments for this cool chip. First thing I want to…
I finally took a moment to figure out Apache Containers, aka Configuration Sections. I wanted to know if a Location directive could override…
As a follow-up to my post about the New York Times XSLT cache package, I emailed the debian mentors list asking for some help in packaging…
I finally got around to installing the WebAdmin tools for Trac and I'm really pleased I did. I was also able to install the spam filter and…
I just responded to a customer's question about our hosting, and figured to share the response here as it includes a good description (in my…
I took the broken mac to the apple doctor, and I was told that all ibook G3's have the same defect with the video card, after a while it…
I'm reviewing OpenAds and so far one thing I can't figure out is whether it is a PHP-based webserver, or if its a set of scripts which are…
This is just some CSS formating I was playing with earlier:this is some red text this is some purple text this is center alignedthis is…
This morning I've been working on a punbb plugin to insert the necessary Google Analytics code into the footer of a punbb forum. I got it…
intel is finally getting the little valley 2 out into the marketplace, and this thing is awesome. Its got SATA and a passively cooled CPU…
Last year I signed up for a Dreamhost account. I used a coupon code so the price wasn't bad, and their offering is very competitive in many…
I'm installing libdbi0 to try out mod_dbi_pool from DOH! UPDATE: November 13, 2007: I later found out that there is a newer…
So I'm trying to turn off privacy registration for my GoDaddy registered domains, but they are sending me to another login screen. When I… had an article about the Loongson Fulong computer recently, describing it as a not so stellar computer. It is going to be more…
I'm reading the online version of the O'Reilly C++ cookbook and so far its pretty good. I also added the C++ in a Nutshell book as a…
Yes! mod_transform works great. :-) It is super simple and works as you'd expect. There are a couple of interesting features - XSL caching…
I'm trying to setup ApacheModuleXslt on debian. Well I got that to work, but not the ApacheModuleXSLT. It looks for apxs instead of apxs2. I…
This is awesome news! IBM has figured out a way to recycle silicon from old or unused computer chips and turn them into solar panels, at…
This is awesome, and soon to be a part of our blog sites! They are using scanned words from old books which OCR (optical character…
In my work with PBooks, I occasionally do some research on other bookkeeping programs. I was encouraged by a forum member to examine tinyerp…
I'm trying out the libapache2-modxslt module which is written in c an provides the ability to parse XML. :-) I just installed it on an…
Over two years ago I found a dead laptop that was getting thrown away and I decided to try and resurrect it. After battling with trying to…
I'm getting more interested in some of the more technical parts of computing, and so I decided to take a shot at compiling and using Google…
The New York Times has released a modified xsl module for php5 which caches xsl transformations. I just built it on ubuntu and debian: Cool…
We had a broken ibook G3 on our hands. It had a strange "snow" on the screen, vertical lines in odd patterns across the screen. To retrieve…
I just installed Gutsy - its so nice! I installed it on an AMD system, and now I'm trying again on intel, but I'm using a 2GB CF card and it…
Apple is as usual hyping up its new operating system release: "Leopard". Here's why I won't upgrade:
I've been thinking about how to protect Wordpress, Trac, and other "community-style" web applications against comment spam, so I figured I…
I'm always curious about computer performance. Can't help it, must be in my blood. So when I heard that perl hashes were fast, I had to do…
Godaddy sent me a renewal email earlier today, so I went to their website and tried to renew. Locked out, again. Seems like every time I try…
I'm finally going to setup a PEAR Server! Wow, this is actually really cool! The software used to run the PEAR server is a little buggy, but…
As a follow-up to the last docunext post on PHP5-Readline and a debian package for it, here are a few notes I've taken on what I believe it…
I'm working on a command line PHP script and I've come to realize that there is no readline capability compiled into the php5-cli package…
I logged into the command line using ssh: Edited a document: SVN (subversion) diff showed where the change was made: Committed the change to…
Call me old fashioned, but I like the technobabble that covers the initial boot screens of many linux distributions, excluding ubuntu…
Compiling a kernel takes awhile, so I use distcc and ccache on debian. Or: Even menuconfig works: Thanks: 1 2 ¥
I'm liking NFS more and more. My notes for today: NFS Server Easy to setup on debian, apt-get install nfs-kernel-server. It will include the…
I created a few pacman packages for use with ttylinux: libdbus-1-3.tbz dnsmasq-2.35.tbz ipkg-0.99.163.tbz With the ipkg tool, you can…
Debian is my favorite distribution, but I still need to make some changes to the kernel. I add these patches: * ocf-linux* acpi-dsdt patch…
C1: type[C1] promotion[C2] demotion[--] latency[000] usage[00006830]*C2: type[C2] promotion[C3] demotion[C1] latency[080] usage[00015316] C…
After that, I followed the instructions here, Installing Sycamore, but I ran into some serious issues. It seems like python programs have…
I'm now going to use my dectop computer as a webcam. It's pretty easy, just installed debian, then downloaded the gspca driver, downloaded…
Just after I got so excited about Trac I ran into this python error: I upgraded to libneon26-dev, will that fix it? Odd, I'm still getting…
The iPhone is a complete disaster, in my opinion. From the phone being hyped up, to it being too slippery to hold, to the keypad not working…
I'm trying to organize my trac information better. The trac data model has the following elements: I was wrestling with what milestone and…
Did some research on Python this morning. I like it and I don't like it. It seems obscure to me - why all the wacky names? And why the…
I've finally found my favorite web server setup. Like the title suggests, its Apache 2.2 MPM worker, mod_fcgid, and php5-cgi. Why? I've been…
My Macbook gets hot. This is old news. The bigger deal in Apple-land was the whining or mooing that Macbook Pro (MBP) users experienced…
Grr, I spent a bunch of time trying to compile the Moschip7703 driver and eventually did, but the darn usb to serial device I have simply…
Just finished up some more tests of the Geode security block using OCF-linux, cryptodev, and OpenSSL. The results are awesome. Check 'em out…
YES! Another website dedicated to reducing power on linux machines:" is not about marketing, trying to sell you…
Last nice I came across Stanford's WebAuth site again, and this time took a second look at it. Couple of things I noticed: Questions to…
There are two new libraries available for creating socket daemons in php. Both are created by experienced developers, and perform…
I'm trying to produce a continuous client - server connection with PHP and FastCGI or FCGI. Its not working. I found a few items related to…
Shared memory is good stuff! You can access it via memcached, xcache, even the file system. I noticed the PHP function "shmop", and then…
I'm testing out the VIA padlock with Ubuntu and openssl-0.9.8e. First off, I added gutsy to my sources list, then I installed the libssl-0.…
HyperEngine-AV is a free and open source video editor. The binary they have on sourceforge is for ppc, so I downloaded the sources and tried…
Phing 2.3 just had a new release candidate published and I'm really pleased with some of the new features. PDOSQLExecTask In particular…
ffmpegx is shareware which is annoying since its free software underneath. Alternatively, you can build the command line version, which is…
Nice... the new ALIX boards I ordered from PC Engines arrived today! I just fired it up with a pfSense 1.2-RC2 but that didn't work so I…
pfSense 1.2 is chock full of cool features. Some that just caught my eye: The ability to backup / restore certain sections of the…
Can I use javascript to keep alive a connection to a webserver? Probably, but why? For a couple of reasons, you save the existing process at…
I've always used MySQL network connections instead of sockets as of late, but then I read that sockets are faster for local connections…
The most popular web hosting software is Apache, and with good reason too. It is free and a great software package. While most people are…
SQL Relay is a connection pooling, load balancing, fail over system for databases. Cool, huh? I'm trying it out on a debian machine, because…
Today I had to edit a button for a web site. the client wanted a fairly long title for the button, so in order to maintain consistency with…
I'm having a tough time working with mod_rewrite and mod_cache, I think because my wordpress setup is messing it up. First off, in my…
The new Apache 2.2 DBD module, at least the one that's included in Debian's package repository, isn't ready for prime time yet, but its…
In the past few years, there's been some exciting news in the world of cryptography. As mentioned in our post about the VIA padlock, the use…
I'm trying to access the VIA padlock cryptography engine in debian linux. I just tried the 2.6.22 kernel for 686 and there was no padlock…
Just ran into a problem I've seen before. When restarting Apache, it will just hang there waiting to restart, but never will, and sometimes…
Squid isn't just a proxy server, its also a cache server. That means that while squid can do handle http or ftp requests for clients…
Last year a really awesome package was contributed to PEAR: the HTTP_WebDAV_Server. This is a pure-PHP implementation of a DAV server…
Example: Is this the same as: I think this could be done using the [C] chain option, but to do that I'll have to alter my SQL queries a…
I've forked punbb to support multiple sites within one codebase, as well as use two different mysql data sources - one primary and one…
Finally there is another provider of AMD Geode machines for low-power networking equipment besides PC Engines and Soekris. PC Engines and…
I just setup a load balancer for my lan using pfSense. Its kind of a strange setup, because the LAN and WAN ports are on the same network…
I've just setup a nice intel-based mini-server, and I'm wondering how the various functions of wake-on lan work. From the manpage: wol…
I removed xserver-xorg from my xubuntu machine, but now I have no console. :-( I checked out inittab, and its fine, as well as tried…
I finally setup my first reverse proxy with Apache 2.2 and mod_rewrite. Some might say that Apache is bloated, but I'm really pleased with…
Problem: MySQL has too many connections. Solution: Lower the timeout on the mysql server. Issue: MyDNS gets booted. Solution: Add reconnect…
I'm planning to change from using SQLite to MySQL on my Trac installations. I'll have to learn more about python, but this page I found is a…
I'm testing out DRBD and OCFS2. When both machines are running and drbd is primary on both machines, everything works fine. However, when I…
[ UPDATE: In the future, I will instead go with OCFS2, it worked well and was much easier to setup and get operational. ] Build drbd module…
Its nice when stuff works well, don't you think? That's why I have to give props to CISCO. I recently was able to setup a VLAN on a 296…
The new RewriteMap feature of mod_rewrite by Ralf is pretty awesome. To learn more about it, I rewrote the perl example provided on the site…
I've been working on setting up a solar powered computer. My setup consists of the following: solar panel charge controller battery pack I…
Wide-area file systems / "Global content distributors" What about a custom davfs that caches content, checks for cache expiration, but uses…
OK, I think I've finally found a way to achieve one of my high availability goals. Also found this courier2dovecot script on a blog based…
NOTICE: These are just quick notes and are very disorganized! I'm planning to clean them up soon, but posted them here to do so. I just read…
One thing I really like about MySQL replication is that when it encounters an error, it "pauses" until someone comes and fixes it. After the…
Last night I worked on punbb a little - mainly to add support for hosting multiple sites with a single copy of the software. I was…
I often wondered whether priorities assigned to multiple a records for the same dns zone has any affect. I didn't think so, and also thought…
Testing with assertions is valuable because it allows you to make a test more specific and better tailored to your specific needs. An…
This brings new meaning to the phrase desktop computer ¥
I've got a couple of Wordpress updates in my mind... a trigger which clears the WP-Cache when someone posts a comment. While not really an…
My new intel DG965SS board arrived today and I was able to get it running the native graphics driver pretty quickly. Couple of tricks: Video…
This weekend was nuts. One of my servers crashed, so when I rebooted it, I decided to upgrade the kernel, finally setup VLANs on the Cisco…
I think this is caused by having two network interfaces on the hardware node. I thought I might be able to use only venet, but I believe I…
Franklin crashed tonight with a Memory Check Exception error, so I was unable to do a remote reboot and had to travel into Cambridge to…
I value privacy, and to get it I use encryption. To use encryption on a website, you can use SSL, but to use SSL you need a certificate, and…
Well I finally added the "Perl Cookbook, 2nd Edition" to my Safari shelf, inspired by djabberd. Perl appears to be a great language, with so…
With the help of Zend's developer zone, I made my first SQLite script: So far, I'm pretty excited about using sqlite. I was concerned about…
I've been using Ming for years, and recently Manuel Lemos of sent a message to the list with some questions. Just sent this…
Just a quick note, I've been running FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0 on the intel little valley for several months and it works…
I made some serious progress on m0n0jabber today: More importantly, the djabberd server starts automatically and you can login and chat with…
I've got the feeling that given to its own devices, the phing buildfile I've been working on for m0n0wall based builds could grow unwieldy…
I've been having a lot of problems with Spotlight and MacFUSE lately, so I've completely disabled Spotlight - I never use it anyway. It…
Someone on the MyDNS mailing list recently emailed about the caching in MyDNS. I was interested in tracking down what's happening so I…
I'm researching the D945GCCR intel motherboard, and the manual says this: For LAN wake capabilities, the +5 V standby line for the power…
My solar panel charge regulator arrived this week so I plugged it into my solar panel and my battery pack, then plugged my dectop into the…
I'm trying to install DJabberd on FreeBSD. I followed: and adjusted for…
I keep getting this error in the middle of my tests. I can't find anything wrong with the code, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Just got this error on the console of a WRAP powered pfsense firewall. I'm trying to set it up to use a wireless interface as the WAN port…
Trying out Roundcube - great docs, very clear and to the point. Follows this layout: That makes it super easy to install. The conf files are…
acpitool Try:
I really like the looks of PHPUnit working with Selenium RC, but my main complaint about it at this point is that I'm running the proxy…
Also known as WATIR, web application testing in Ruby is pretty cool. I've just recently started reading a book about Ruby and I like what I…
As of Apache 2.2 - mod_cache is no longer experimental! I'm trying it out. On debian: Added this to my config: then restarted: So far so…
My postfix logs were reporting that mail sent to non-existent was getting greylisted. I would expect this mail to get rejected right away…
I'm sold on Trac. As I said in my post about ruby, I was a little nervous about the ability of spammers to clog up a trac install via the…
Great command line support - seems to be comfortable and capable on the command line. This one was thing I missed with PHP. Although its…
This thing looks great: > Pictures of the Lemote Fulong That is a link to Martin Michlmayr's blog, which I have visited many a…
I finally cut the cables on my Verizon DSL, so they shut off my web space. Oh well, at least I remembered to back up the site before they…
Caching is a great boost for performance, but its tough to balance freshness, expiration, and updates. These are the guidelines I follow to…
I recently learned that Canonical's launchpad system is not open source - and in light of Mark Shuttleworth's recent urges that the open…
VNC Robot is really cool - I hope that one day soon the developer provides it as open source! Beyond its obvious value for testing, it…
I tried out XCache for PHP 5 again last night. I had used it in the past a little, but then put it on the shelf for awhile because it seemed…
I'm using squid's caching capabilities to save copies of debian packages and the sources used by the bsd ports collections. Here's what I…
In preparing for the open source release of PBooks, I'm adding more components to the support infrastructure, including: I'm currently…
Not sure where I heard about punbb, but I'm glad I did. Its clean, simple, and fast - all good things! The project supports a few of my…
Looks to me like Ruby on Rails is pretty much the same as Symfony, and without worrying about which came first, I have to wonder what makes…
I purchased a copy of "Practical Ruby for System Administrators" by André Ben Hamou today at Barnes & Noble. Its really good! Its my first…
My new PC Engines ALIX motherboard / computer arrived from Switzerland yesterday, here are some pictures: This thing is awesome. It is my…
These two chipsets are important to consider when you are looking to buy a motherboard, especially when you are looking to build a free and…
The new PC Engines mini-itx motherboard arrived from Switzerland today! The thing is COOL! It is passively cooled and only uses about 4-…
I've decided to stick with debian as my primary linux distribution of choice. I was leaning towards ubuntu for awhile there, but the lure of…
After some serious fun with OpenVZ, I've been reading about FreeBSD jails. I really need to read the jail manual. And a page about BSD jails…
I'm installing OpenVZ on a little valley d201gly folllowing Edit…
Made some progress on my second freebsd machine: Still need to: Also, on an old gentoo box (clark), I emerge --sync, and had to update its…
In a preemptive strike against wiki spammers, our docunext wiki now requires a login. Chances are I'll be the only one editing it anyway…
I'm trying out FreeWRT again on an Ubuntu system, aka vmserver-1. I made a new directory in /usr/src/ called freewrt as root, then chowned…
After reading some of the LaBrea documentation, I'm going to give it a try. From the docs, I believe that I need some extra public IP…
I'm exploring the idea of "reducing" a debian bootstrap chroot, similarly to how the m0n0wall build scripts copy only the necessary files…
Thanks to the Ubuntu newsletter I read about Phoronix, a cool tech blog, and then found out about Canonical's Landscape, and then about nwu…
After a weekend of learning about embedded linux, uclibc, and the freewrt and openwrt projects, I'm getting the feeling that there is a…
I've been reading a little about OpenWRT today when I happened upon the FreeBSD Embedded project page, where they mention the Avila…
Where to start. M0n0wall is an embedded firewall operating system that can be installed on a machine. It uses the FreeBSD operating system…
I'm building a "real" (not a virtual) FreeBSD workstation - my first ever! It will be comprised of the following components: DOH! I'm…
Chris responded to my inquiry at the m0n0wall forums that m0n0wall uses IPF 3.x on 1.2x and IPF 4 on 1.3x. I was wondering because I'd like…
Looks like the 2.6.22 kernel is almost in unstable for debian. I'm looking to install this as it supposedly has support for the VIA C7 Eden…
The latest version of ejabberd in debian unstable is great! It simply works for me, even though I've had my share of frustrations with…
I stopped my highly available DRBD server setup today. The way I had it setup wasn't optimal, but it was a worthwhile effort and experiment…
Just for the heck of it, I just installed GnuCash 2.2.0 on Windows XP inside of Parallels (I know GnuCash can run in Mac OS X). It worked…
VIA has this great new chip called the C7 - it has very low power consumption and can use a motherboard chipset that can support up to 2GB…
Here's my notes on the m0n0wall rootfs sources: php.ini is nice and simple! I'm so glad to have read this page about preparing the…
I'm thinking about making a MySQL cluster, either master-master, or using the NDB back-end, which includes high availability features like…
Strangely I'm only getting 39 Mbits per second when I use iperf to test the speed between a QEMU VM and its host. I thought it would be much…
I've been building a lot of QEMU appliances lately, and I'm planning on making a few available for download. Here's what I've been working:
I'm really looking forward to the arrival of a multi-port 12V power supply I ordered last week. With it, I'll be able to power multiple mini…
I've been thinking a lot about hardware setups. Its all about low-latency, high response time, high availability, not throughput! Firewall…
I was having wacky mouse action with QEMU and X11, so I did a little research and found the solution. The trick is to use the -usbdevice…
I'm setting up fluxbox on a debian virtual machine: This is a great setup - so simple and…
I'm wondering why linux hasn't been able to get more video games going on it. I think it has something to do with OpenGL versus Microsoft's…
In my continuing series of exploring the m0n0wall distros (AskoziaPBX, m0n0wall, pfsense, and FreeNAS), I'm trying to setup iscsi with…
I just received an HP t5725 Thin Client and it consumes about 25 watts of power for normal operations. I was hoping for much better! It has…
Using the intel d201gly as a m0n0wall router should work very well. It needs an extra nic card though. I just sent this to the m0n0wall list…
A million and one reasons why wake-on-lan might not work: Your using the interface in a bridge! I've added the following line to my /etc…
It is happening again... so here are lots of lots of notes on setting up QEMU, VDE, FreeBSD, Debian, tun/tap. QEMU direct to a host bridge…
Just added my experience to bug #58232 at Ubuntu's ¥
When working with virtual machines and embedded devices, you'll probably end up working with a disk image at some point. To work with disk…
I'm working with m0n0dev.php from Askozia, and I'm running into a problem: The generic-pc image isn't able to find the kernel. The smp image…
I'm trying to use debian on a compact flash card, but keep running into dma problems. I'm surprised this is such a pain in the neck. This…
If all you need is a simple bridge for bandwidth management, the net4501 is a good choice. While I had some problems with the net4501 webgui…
This is a cool device but it takes a little getting used to. Here are my notes: Used a null modem cable with a gender changer null modem…
Using the sky2 kernel driver with the Koutech PCI-Express Giga LAN PEN120 This card works in linux, but does have some issues. I just found…
Today I started getting into Linux, which is an OS. Linux is somewhat like windows. It has a GUI that is user fairly user friendly, but…
I wanted to setup a linux server with no graphics card. After installing the os and configuring the network and all that jazz, I set it up…
Using BitTorrent from the command line on Debian Install only bittorrent for now: aptitude install bittorrent Then get a torrent file: http…
UPDATE These notes have been succeeded by QEMU vde Notes Revisited Note to self To restart setup like you had before, use these commands…
I'm working on a "virtualization machine" - a computer for hosting virtual computers - and I'm doing some research on the power supply in it…
I tried updating to MyDNSConfig 1.1.0 today but ran into some issues. Turns out it was the groups field in the db. I had to have "1,2" in…
The Restriction of Hazardous Substances is an effort to reduce the use of hazardous substances like mercury and lead in manufacturing. This…
Wondering what the intel d201gly Little Valley has to offer for BIOS? Here you go: In other words, not much!
PC Engines has announced the successor to their popular WRAP (wireless router application platform) board: the ALIX. The ALIX comes in three…
I finally got m0n0wall to work as a wireless access point. :-) And to boot, I used a mini-pci card pilfered from one of the many Everex…
So I'm doing some tinkering with Darwin again as I'm trying to get kqemu to work on Mac OS X. I don't think it will work but since I'm…
Wow, this is really cool. I just realized that Parallels and QEMU can share virtual disk images. I'm sure there are issues with this, but…
I'm following these instructions to convert a Parallels machine into a VMWare Fusion Machine. So far so good. I'm doing a XP Home machine…
I'm trying to setup Ubuntu ltsp. No luck, dhcp gives ip but then the tftp server never serves the goodies. Here's the strace: Looks like it…
Wow, I finally got the Thecus running debian again. :-) Here's the commands I used in redboot to load the initrd and kernel via tftp. I had…
VMWare Fusion I was right about VMWare on Mac OS X - they are going to charge for it. Its actually not a bad price though, $79 or $39 if…
I'm trying to setup a development environment for m0n0wall on my Macbook, but now I'm running into a weird problem with FreeBSD when…
Here are the technical details for the installation of AskoziaPBX on an HP t5135 thin client: These are the steps I took, your situation…
Compact flash is a pain in the neck. The fact that some cards support DMA and others don't is really aggravating. Write limitations are…
Updating the BIOS on a Soekris net4801 I found out why my net4501 was going slow: the latest bios had the cpu cache disabled. :-) Its so…
Even More Information About the Intel D201gly Note: If you are interested in buy a bunch of these, check out the post on…
I setup heartbeat and ldirectord recently for use with ipvs, basically a manually configured ultramonkey. I was running into issues with the…
These are my notes on how to reduce memory consumption of debian on an HP t5135 thin client. Add to modules blacklist: Remove device mapper…
If you are looking for the OpenClinica tarball, you can download it here. They require you to register even though it is open source…
A Thorough Comparison of the Data Evolution Dectop and the Linksys NSLU2 Both the Data Evolution dectop and the Linksys NSLU2 can run Debian…
Here are some of my notes I took while installing Debian GNU/Linux on the dectop. Edit /etc/default/acpid: Add to the bottom of /etc…
The two decTop PIC's I ordered arrived from FedEx today, and upon opening the box I was very disappointed to find that the "10/100 Ethernet…
More Thoughts on Intel's Little Valley Mini-ITX Board The Intel D201GLY mini-itx mainboard I ordered arrived today. This little board has…
A Comparison of pfSense and m0n0wall I spent some time tinkering around with pfsense today - its very nice. What I like best about it is…
We are working on trying out as many Selenium functions as possible that we can find in the Selenium reference document. Here's a quick IM…
Scratch is a design program that allows you to take graphics and images and create elaborate, stories, games and pictures to share on the…
My notes on setting up VDE (virtual distributed ethernet) for use with QEMU on Ubuntu. No kqemu for the moment. I'm following the…
I'm running FreeNAS on an ASUS Terminator T1-C3 Intel Socket 370 Barebone. Took a little fiddling to get going, but now its running well…
Ugh! I can't stand Microsoft products personally, but the majority of my customers prefer to use it and since I'm happy to help them out, I…
If there is one thing Microsoft and Google should be able to get along with is not working well with IMAP. For some reason, they don't…
Over a year ago, I built our heavy duty mega-server. It has dual AMD Opteron chips, runs Debian and has a 1 TB RAID storage system. This was…
If I ssh into a shell through a vpn running on a WRAP behind a filtered bridge running on a net4501 and then run dmesg, ps -A, or ifconfig…
pfSense is a FreeBSD-based firewall inspired by m0n0wall and after a quick trial run, it looks very nice. I just tried the VMWare virtual…
Unfortunately the webGUI for m0n0wall on the net4501 is REALLY SLOW. I mean molasses. I'm wondering if I have mine configured wrong because…
I've been trying to use the Migration Assistant to get all my data from my old machine onto the mini mac. I keep running into the same…
I've recently started using Fink and Darwin / Mac Ports recently, and they have improved so much over the past few years. From being totally…
I updated one of our gentoo servers yesterday using portage / emerge. Since it runs gentoo, the upgrades can sometimes get a little hairy…
I'm trying to get a cpufreq driver loaded for a Sempron 3000+ in an MSI K9VGM-V barebones to reduce power consumption. Doesn't look good…
I finally got my PCI Express SATA II cards working with Debian GNU/Linux! PCI Express and SATA II are relatively new technology, so support…
I'm rebuilding my AOpen small footprint PC which I had originally setup as a fast, low power NAS device. It didn't work out that way. I'm…
I'm trying out an Encore Gigabit Ethernet card I bought from Newegg in an ASUS Terminator C3. The card uses the Realtek chip, which uses the…
If you have more than one set of ha nodes on the same subnet, you might see authentication failures in your logs if you are using broadcast…
Wired ran a "rumors" story about a broad reaching collaboration between Apple and Google recently. I could definitely see that happening…
Finally getting around to working with VMWare, very nice actually. I can see how this could really come in handy. I'm wondering why it is…
PC Engines is a board designer / manufacturer based in Switzerland. AMD recently stopped manufacturing the chip in their primary product…
This is how I install and run DRDB on Debian GNU/Linux using module-assistant. I ended up using the module-assistant, worked fine. Couple of…
The best use of embedded linux (and bsd!), in my opinion, is for networking devices like firewalls and VPN endpoints. Examples include…
This machine is rad. It's about twice the size of my cd-walkman, and way faster than my old machine. I like how easy it was to set up. Once…
The HP thin clients use VIA processors, for low power goodness. I can use the longhaul cpufreq driver without a hitch on my t5000 as it uses…
After manually wrestling with cpufreq kernel modules for the longest time, I finally found cpufrequtils. It works great, allowing me to…
Amit, the lead developer and Google employee, has released the latest version of MacFUSE. MacFUSE is an AWESOME tool to let you mount remote…
I thought it would be much hard to mount an NFS share onto a Mac OS X client, but I did run into some issues I'll share here. I tried: sudo…
ZDNet is reporting Apple's update of their Macbook Pro line, and indeed, they are featured prominently at The big deal? Well for…
The 3Com 3C509 network interface card. The Ultra ATA 100 IDE hard disk drive interface. VGA. Fast Ethernet 10/100. Floppy disks. CD-ROMs. 3…
I'm planning on building another high availability cluster, this time for storage. My plan is to use basic hardware, and to use software to…
Uh-oh. Maybe a faulty dsdt? I'll try this and this: More debug output: Strange, but it actually seems like it is working. At least I can…
If you have a CIDR subnet assigned to you from an ISP or a colocation provider, here's how you can understand it better, or at least how I…
For whatever reason, my file server crash last night. I'm now trying to fix it. I booted into single user mode (had to cancel the fsck that…
This morning I woke up to find on of my networks without a database. Why? I presume it was caused by an electrical failure in the town where…
A client of mine just emailed me about setting up email on her laptop as well as her desktop, so I told her about IMAP. Its too bad GMail…
I just updated mdadm, and noticed the message recommending I read /usr/share/doc/mdadm/README.upgrading-2.5.3.gz: Ugh. I'll have to take…
As you may know, 3Ware was bought awhile back, and since then, I for one have not been happy with the change. In perusing the goods at…
I'm reading Jeremy Zawodny's "High Performance MySQL" via Oreilly's online Safari service. Its quite good, and I really enjoyed the page on…
I bought a $350 notebook from Fry's I didn't know what to expect, but I'm really impressed, with both the great quality of…
Today I used jEdit to write scripts to run with Selenium. In jEdit you basically write an html script telling Selenium what action to take…
Could this error be related: Attempted fixes: This completed without a problem: This also reported the same perl error, but generated a slew…
I'm using apt-cacher, but now whenever I update one of my machines that uses the cache, I get the above error. What gives? I just noticed…
So I just cancelled my last outsourced hosting provider, and in my opinion, the best one. It was, and they provide virtual…
My husband's birthday is coming up so I am hunting for wireless speakers, indoor or ourdoor. I'd love something that can be hooked right to…
OK, I'm getting a little impatient with the Free Software Foundation's work on the GPLv3 and the AGPLv2. This post is what's getting me all…
I've been wondering about network-based bookmarks. Not a website where you can bookmark stuff, but a network service that will publish your…
I'm going to start getting into software testing, and word on the street is that Selenium is a pretty decent program for doing this…
I just took a crack at using the software testing program Selenium, and I have to say I am impressed. Although I have limited knowledge of…
I've been noticing my iMac lagging REALLY bad when trying to sync my machines with unison. I investigated, and here's what I found: http…
Power from the solar panel: The portable power pack: The solar panel with the battery: Solar panel fresh out of the box: ¥
I'm planning on creating a PEAR nexista package with the next snapshot. Lots to do! The code needs to be brought up to PEAR's coding…
I'm trying to install a more recent version of GnuCash on an Ubuntu machine using these instructions:…
I'm working on the PBooks codebase, preparing it to be released as AGPL, and I'm scratching my head wondering whether I should release the…
Ultra Monkey: heartbeat and lvs Location fault tolerance can be achieved using ultramonkey, a project to combine the best parts of heartbeat…
I'm trying out FlexySVN: Found this: - Fixed! OK, how…
I've decided to download and mirror the entire ubuntu and debian packages and distributions. That way I can sync them late at night and have…
The Nexista authentication and user administration code is coming along. These packages were written by another and I'm just maintaining the…
Now trying to install bugzilla on Debian testing... apt-get install bugzilla Choosing auto install of db... (though if it doesn't work check…
For my first High Availability project, I'm using HP t5135s, powered by debian on USB drives. I chose the Corsair 1GB USB drive and…
The t5135 has these IDE Flash chips installed in them: These are called "44-pin IDE Flash Modules", and can range from approximately $10 to…
The more I learn about the VIA C3, C7, and EDEN cpu chips, the more I like them. I've been trying to figure out more about how to get acpi…
I've been interested in building a solar powered slug for some time, and then it hit me - "Why not use automobile-based, commodity items…
I don't believe it, but Navisite is still trying to bill me. I used to co-locate several servers with Navisite. I stopped when they, in my…
I'm trying to duplicate a usb drive I installed debian. To do so, I'm using the dd function, and I'm actually doing it from the Mac OS X…
Nothing beats a good looking case for a computer, there is something about it that says, "I'm so techno-savy even my machine looks good…
I'm Trying to get my WinTV-PVR-250 working in conjunction with MythTV. A continuation of this failed…
Here are some licenses I've been reviewing lately: GPL: If I understand this license correctly, once the…
I'm preparing to release pbooks and of course tweaking the database model a little. As I work on the db model, I've reviewing some other…
DNS Introduction Should I use "www" before my domain names? I say yes, but there are many cases where this is not necessary. To "www" or not…
"Global parameter min protocol found in service section!" - what does this mean? I had this in one of my share configurations: Can't connect…
Last night at a business networking meeting, I was speaking with another member about computing, and how his company has switched to a…
Installing SQL-Ledger on debian for use with apache2: Grrrr. ¥
If you haven't heard, Microsoft is reportedly alleging that they deserve royalties from linux and open source projects. In my humble opinion… is an awesome website. I'm checking out the news there and this is what I'm finding extra cool: Article on Meraki at…
My system time was all messed up. Installed ntpdate, synced, and error went away. :-) ¥
Note to self: this is how you add a user to a group in linux: usermod -Ggroupname username Except for the fact that I'm using nss_mysql, so…
A function allows you to process data on demand. For example, on the site, we use javascript functions to allow…
I wonder if its possible to use drdb over a slow link like 768k uplink? Good question, but a better question is what I'm REALLY trying to…
Ever since I started using my friend Jeremy's IIci back in the 80's, I've been a Mac fan. (You can check out more of my Mac ramblings at…
My Macbook gets way too hot! I just tried out two fan controls: "Fan Control" and "smcFanControl" and I like smcFanControl better. Simpler…
This looks pretty awesome: Mod_ndb is an Apache module that provides a Web Services API for MySQL Cluster…
I signed back up for Oreilly's Safari Service, and based on my positive experience with WATIR, I'm reading the O'Reilly Ruby cookbook. Looks…
We scrapped our attempts at using Knoppmyth to install mythtv because we were experiencing too many problems. So we instead used debian…
1and1 changed their pricing structure for their Beginner Package on March 22, 2007 from $2.99 to $3.99 per month. I purchased six months in…
I love tinkering with traffic control and queuing disciplines. It all goes back to my days at Tufts when I took "Stochastic Modeling" and…
I've got everything setup, but still phase 1 is not happening. GOT IT! It was the firewall on one of the servers. That is awesome. I was…
I just emailed Paul James about REST: I've been reading your stuff since you first started foowd, can you believe it? :-) Anyway, I am…
Off-site Services: Apache Web Server Logging: Misc: And then to complete the loop: * PHP Unit* Selenium -…
In my review of Roy Fielding's REST dissertation, I came across the term topology and how it relates to the term sitemap. This encounter led…
I'm reading Roy Fielding's dissertation: "Representational State Transfer", and here are my notes: Configurations - use of the word topology…
I previously blogged about my theories on separation of functionality and how I wanted to setup a RESTful app API methodology in the nexista…
The XML and XSLT functions in PHP handle entities in the following manner: DOM document loads the actual XSL as an XML document first. As…
Hyper Text Markup Language - Is used to create viewable elements in a web browser. The elements are non changing and it is used mostly for…
Looks like the newest release of MacFUSE and sshfs are all I need to turn the switch for AFP and SMB to "off". That'll be a great move! To…
In my humble opinion, one of the most important and fundamental aspects to software development and usability is the separation of…
I am customizing symfony's project and app skeletons: Deleted: Created: I've added this skeleton to the nexista sandbox project: http://code…
Just updated bbpress svn checkout and getting this error: ¥
I just recently installed knoppmyth on a computer. These are the steps I took to install the program. First I went to and…
Today I installed debian on NLSU2. An NLSU2 is a device that lets you access a hard drive over a network. We had some issues attempting to…
I'm trying out unslung as opposed to Debian for one of my slugs. Its pretty cool, but I'm having this problem: Guess I should have read the…
Today I installed Debian for the first time. I am use to using windows but I hear a lot of good things about Linux systems. Also I am…
I've increased the memory limits of all the php.ini files I can find! It turns out that the pecl command was being passed the "-n" option…
Today I built my own external hard drive. Fairly standard as far as electronics go, but still a good thing to know how to do. Im using this…
Getting this error when trying to process xslt in php: Never figured out what was causing it... ...but now its happening again... I still…
error log I think this happened because I changed IP numbers on the replicating server. I issued the command "RESET SLAVE" (though I don't…
I love jEdit, and here's a few things I found useful: * Saving & Backup: Set backup to on, but to a different directory, # prefix and suffix…
IMPORTANT: Symfony - great backend support via creole, internationalization, unit testing, finely grained configuration support, CLI…
I'm finally trying out symfony! Installed framework via pearDownloaded sandbox siteViewed welcome page! That was pretty easy. I actually…
Symfony is a lot more like Nexista than I originally thought. I use the following web directory structure right under the web server…
Google Code is a free tool for managing software development projects. I use it to manage the Nexista PHP application framework project…
Since I was able to successfully transfer my domains from Netfirms to, I've written to NetFirms to cancel my account and not…
I'm trying out a new comment spam defense: Spam Karma 2. This is in addition to Bad Behavior, and I probably don't need both, but Bad…
Trying to upgrade python2.4: Edited /usr/bin/pycentral: Just commented out the last two lines of the file. Tried again, worked fine…
NetFirms has always been slow for me, and so when I tried to connect to one of my blogs yesterday and was greeted with a database connection…
I'm trying out Wordpress Multi-user and having a tough time with it. First off, some of the assumptions they make about domains and urls is…
I just converted a phpbb2 database to bbpress database using this script: Convert phpbb2 to bbpress database It was surprisingly easy to do…
Today I used adobe illustrator to edit and make dynamic icons for a program called Uplink. Im a newbie when it comes to illustrator, but I…
Why is ejabberd so difficult? I have not idea, but it is. The problem is caused by networking - it wants to check DNS for hostname…
So until about five minutes ago I had no idea how to determine whether a domain name was already in use or not. Normally I'd just type in…
Building your own external CD Burner is easy! Just buy a 5.25" external enclosure (they cost about $20) and a CDR (cost about the same: $2…
Three Hewlett Packard t5135 machines showed up today. I couldn't get the bios up, but it booted off usb anyway. I started off the debian usb…
I just logged into Google's Webmaster tools, where you can supply an XML sitemap of your website to help them better understand your site's…
The nokia n800 is a beautiful and well designed machine. Some notable improvements over the 770 include: handlebar / stand built in faster…
I'm trying to install debian on an HP t5000 thin client, using a USB drive as an expanded storage device for the base system. Here's what I…
The top comes off... The other top comes off... gotta love those passively cooled VIA Eden chips! No stuff to tinker with?!?!? BIOS has…
We wrote an article about Amazon S3 ( Amazon S3 Duplicity with Debian ) awhile back and I'm again looking into it as a way to store backups…
Freenas is cool, but for many reasons I'd rather go with debian. Too bad there isn't a debian distribution designed for compact flash…
Dreamhost Dreamhost's biggest asset is their control panel, no doubt about it. Its user friendly, comprehensive, though maybe a bit slow…
I'm setting up Ipsec on ubuntu: ran into problems: same thing, maybe the errors are OK? This the problem from syslog? This page translated…
Audacity is a really great freeware program that allows you to edit and compress your audio files. It's easy to install and get started. If…
PS - One last thing about the AOpen - the display was crazy at 1280x1024 with wierd squiggly lines all over the place. Not sure if it was a…
My next setup will be with Via C7's, thanks to this PC Chips motherboard: ¥
Just did some Googling on linux filesystem performance, and here's what I gleaned. Most often, ext3 is the best choice. If you know what you…
One of my servers was shutting down recently due to a faulty fan, so heat has been a raised concern for me. I just ordered some themometers…
I bought a socket 754 Turion to go with the AOpen XC Cube EX761 I got from, but the power consumption is high for the hardware…
I'm giving Freenas (version 0.68) a whirl. I've got an AOpen XC Cube and a AMCC 3Ware 9650SE SATA RAID 0/1 card. I'll be using RAID0 for…
My sister's G5 iMac failed, and she happened to have the extended Apple Care warranty. I advised her to bring the iMac into a Mac store for…
My office recently upgraded the MDF room and installed a duct fan and a "Duct Stat TM" in-line thermostat to turn the fan on when the…
From the apt-get manpage: will hold back libc6, useful when you want to hold back a package from upgrading if you call: An even easier way…
In my continuing quest to reduce PC power consumption, I'm researching underclocking and undervolting. Underclocking in linux is fairly…
I'm migrating my info from a Dual-G5 energy hog to a 20" iMac Intel. The migration processis going smoothly so far! It will be interesting…
I finally got my second m0n0wall device (m1n1wall from Netgate) setup, and I tried to access it remotely from a tunnelled vnc connection…
I'm very pleased with the C7 chip - its ultra low power - a laptop I have runs under 9 watts. Amazing. Anyway, I just picked up a couple of…
The time has come for me to upgrade my Asterisk PBX hardware and configuration. Currently, our local area network server is a "swiss army…
Hooray! I finally disabled sound altogether in Ubuntu! It was surprisingly difficult... but in the end all I did was copy the noALSA…
---- Scope (_TZ) didn't do anything...---- changed line: 2532 from 0x02 to 0x03 nothing...----- I kind of think its working now…
Freenx is awesome! I'm having trouble with a yellow mouse though. Argh. After trying to debug it via Freenx client, I've determined it is…
Some ideas on setting up a new workstation: 20 iMac with external monitor. Tibook powering second external monitor, actually running remote…
Dumbfounded by how much energy is consumed by a dual-G5 PowerMac, I've decided to do everything I can to reduce its energy consumption. Some…
I don't use Network Solutions hosting services personally, but one of my customers uses them for their email and web hosting. I use them to…
Went to Downloaded Q software. Created a VM (virtual Machine) Chose install Disk Image, from the hardware menu. CD-rom tab…
Trying to install linux on a sata raid on a asus vintage machine - mad issues! Now trying Suse - still crashed. After many failed attempts……
I'm doing some research on network interface cards, looking at Intel cards to start: PWLA8490MT - good for Windows servers (offloads tcp…
I can't get the darn fan on my Toshiba notebook to turn off. Grrr. CPU details: Fans: Bios: Still purring away. :-( Temp: Trip points (this…
I've decided that the Thecus n2100 is not worth the effort. While I had fun and learned a lot in setting up Debian on it, it has consumed a…
Wow, after many failed attempts to resurrect the Thecus, its back in action! Many thanks to: Darn - still not back from the dead. I'll have…
As I recently posted, I'm using O'Reilly's Safari online library service. So far I've really enjoyed the easy access to high quality…
I'm trying to setup a multi-purpose server on a Toshiba Satelite 5205-S703. I've been using Knoppix to investigate the possibility so far…
Yep, I just paid money for free software. Why? Because I found a company that sells media at affordable prices with fair shipping prices…
I love to build computers, and I love efficiency. After doing a little surfing on these subjects, I was surprised to find how much power…
Following up on the recent post about setting proper fully qualified domain name and hostname settings in linux, I'm doing the same for Mac…
I've been tinkering around with my Toshiba Satellite 2805-S301 laptop and finding some interesting figures. I removed the hard drive and the…
With my new m0n0wall, I'm finally getting around to getting my security certificates in order. In my humble opinion, I don't think it makes…
As an alternative and "midpoint" to the NSLU2 and the Thecus n2100 there is the kurobox. The kurobox is especially designed by Revolution as…
Here's another couple shots of the Thecus, showing the serial connection, and an extra fan I added. These two are quieter than the original…
I'm setting up a VPN site-to-site link from a m0n0wall firewall to a debian server:…
There are a few files and commands: Should at least have this: If the machine is on a local area network, this too: The above entry states…
So I've decided to try and build Q (QEMU) on my Intel Mac - so I need subversion, using these instructions on how to build subversion on a…
True, the saga continues. This is a great excuse to learn logical drive images inside and out. Now I'm trying to remove unused, non…
I found out about ntfsprogs from a website about dd, and then I found a great website talking about using ntfsresize and ntfsclone with a…
I can't believe it, but it worked! After lots of failed attempts, I finally was able to migrate an existing Windows 2000 installation from a…
I can't believe I'm actually saying this, even after getting a nasty paper cut when opening my Windows XP Home OEM from yesterday…
In planning the rebuild of our network, a new strategy I'm employing is to compartmentalize various services to different machines. I used…
Here's a good one! I'm trying to use a disk image I created from a real hard drive that has Windows 2000 on it. It boots, but then gives me…
Right now I have the following Windows licenses:* Windows ME OEM on a Dell workstation - I have the original media* Windows 200…
For my own sanity, I have to take notes on how the Microsoft licenses are structured: This license can be installed on any computer that…
When the heck is Adobe CS3 coming out?? They released Photoshop CS3 beta a few weeks ago, but I'm ready for an Intel optimized suite. Rumor…
I'm sure everybody who has run a virtual machine has thought about running a virtual machine on top of that. Here's the same idea with a…
Virtualization is on my top list of things to check out, and since I used a Mac I have two available options: Q and Parallels. I've used Q…
I'm trying to figure out a few things about network design, and I think I'm starting to get it. It used to be that you could subnet simply…
I just posted this comment to: ¥
I use my Quantact VPS for testing of various things, and sshfs-fuse is one of those things. Here's what I did to get it going: No go, still…
I just signed up for O'Reilly's Safari on their 10-slot bookshelf at $19.95 / month and I like it so far. I'm trying to decide what to put…
I've installed sshfs on my Thecus n2100, and I can mount a filesystem. The system hangs when I try to access it. :-( I found its a module…
The CEO of Cisco, John Chambers, was on Nightly Business Report recently and was very optimistic about the future of Cisco. Chambers is a…
Seth from Dynamic Solutions ( a Comcast contractor ) just left after installing my new Comcast Workplace. He did a great job, was fast and…
Yesterday I was trying to get our Jabber server to connect to our authentication system with no avail. The server we use is very good but…
I've been looking at a few router / firewall devices, including Cisco, and it looks like there is a better option of using a PC Engines…
The fan in my Thecus n2100 is too loud, so I'm getting a new one that's hopefully quieter. The fan is running full speed at the moment and…
I've decided to no longer use metabase schemas. I used to think they were awesome, they became a bit of a pain once I moved to a more…
This is awesome! This is a quick way to make some of the filesystem features I've been looking for. Very very cool. SpotlightFS Sorry PC…
I tried running apt-cacher but I can't get it to work at all. Whenever I try to update another machine, it stalls and apt-cacher requires a…
Now I'm trying to configure nrpe to work with nagios2, this follows-up on some prior work a consultant did for us. I think the only thing I…
I'm not using this anymore, instead opting for a http_check of each virtual host. The content check is a difficult challenge that I'll need…
I'm reviewing our Nagios setup, and came up with a few thoughts: I wanted to add a second email for myself to the contact list and couldn't…
Once you get your basic nagios2 configuration together, the setup is a breeze for a large installation. The use of templates makes it much…
Responded with: Then: Yes! Still no go, following their step: Results in: Bummer! No go... Cancelled - need make. Hmm that didn't help…
The Thecus n2100 is a pretty sweet machine. I'm pleased with it already. It can really run debian! I also have an NSLU2 which I've installed…
Rather than keep creeping the size of the last post, here's the deal: I'm installing an IMAP server locally on my Macs so that I can: The…
To archive my old emails, I keep them in courier-imap Maildir folders for easy access. I separate them by year, and then change them to be…
Variable and function prefixes:
PAM is a very flexible tool for authentication. I use it with Apache for realm-based authentication via MySQL with the help of pam_mysql…
Trying out the Bad Behaviour plugin from ioerror: This works well, but I did run into one problem wp…
This results in: which isn't cool.
Couple of quick notes on networking: Ethtool is the best tool in my opinion for editing network hardware settings. For example: That will…
With all the amazing advancements going on in technology, there are a few laggards that bug me, namely broadband and filesystems. In this…
I registered for Tektonic on Saturday and received my access info on Monday, which is a surprisingly long delay. They must set these up…
To review the last post of backing up to dreamhost and s3 with duplicity, here is clearer summary of what is necessary to get duplicity…
If you are like me and use computers all the time, you like the idea of synchronization. There are many great tools to accomplish this: I…
Howto use duplicity to back to accounts and Amazon S3: Dreamhost has some amazing offerings, one of which is a huge amount of…
Found this in my logs, and my ip address is definitely not It looks like this is a malfunctioning bad bot trying to build up referral links…
I need to make FPDF output a landscape PDF instead of a portrait PDF. I also use fpdi, so I was a little unsure of how to proceed. I found…
I registered a domain name recently:, and just heard from a previous owner of it. Its cool to hear from people that way. I plan…
On the 15th of January, 2007, the domain name was registered. For a day or two shortly thereafter, the domain's single page of…
Redundant Internet Connections? We were thinking of setting up two internet connections at our office so that if one went down, the other……
No matter what I do, I cannot for the life of me to get My MSN to index any of my Wordpress blog feeds, or any blog feeds for that matter…
Add the following modules to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 ppp_async crc_ccitt ppp_async ppp_generic ppp_synctty ppp_async slhc arc4 md…
too look in a database than a very large flat file. Due to the amount of internet threats these days, your logs can fill up very fast. ACID…
I just sent this explanation to a colleague to explain XSL and SSI: You know how the html files on the "www" server are all one piece…
This product is nice but needs some help. I'm interested to hear what people are saying about Quark. It appears that I'm not using it for…
dot5hosting accepted my order without my explicit request. To be more specific, their website is setup such that if you press return with a…
Netfirms ran a promotion I could not say no to: 2 domains and a year of hosting for $10! January 19, 2007 Netfirms hosted domain is non…
Found these wicked old notes about Vaporsec: So far I have gotten the two computers to connect successfully when Rover was directly on the…
cPanel, Direct Admin, Dreamhost's Panel.cgi, and more. Lots to choose from, but which one is best? Apple even has its own server admin, too…
So far, I really can't stand Office Live. Maybe its because I'm mostly a linux and Mac guy, but their service irks me. Toolbar For example…
I signed up with Charger Technologies on January 16th, 2007 at approximately 1PM, EST. I paid $5 via PayPal, using a Discover Credit card…
If you are thinking about buying an existing website like I am, there are many factors to consider. Sitepoint, which hosts an existing sites…
When choosing a password, pick a good one. You might think using your middle name, or the name of a pet, is a good idea, but in reality, its…
To open one of the common dark and light gray Dell computer cases, there are two buttons that need to be pushed. There is one on the top…
I'm building a new computer, should be really nice! Here's a quick snapshot: It has an AMD processor, Seagate hard drive, ATI graphics card…
Sorry if you tried to access, or any of the other quality content hosted on our server frankling over the last approximate 1…
Ah yes, data management. Great topic to bring up on a first data, I mean date. Just kidding. Hehehe. Right - I am getting many more domain…
I'm reviewing these webhosts: AwardSpace Free, actually seems decent. Free webhosting accounts are limited to two domains. They are also…
The Development Process The developer must first of all model the database. The capabilities of the first version of this tool are…
The Informed Banking website uses Wordpress for its bank blog and bbpress for its bank forums. I'm very impressed with these pieces of…
To complete the loop of blog-wiki-forum, I'm checking out various forum software. I've installed both bbPress and phpbb2 for Informed…
One of my clients recently reported difficulty sending mail to email addresses. They were right - email was getting bounced by…