
ClamAV Installation and Configuration Notes

September 12th, 2006


Step 1) apt-get install clamsmtp clamav-freshclam

Step 2) Edit the /etc/clamsmtpd.conf file and change:

OutAddress: 10025 to OutAddress: 10026

Listen: to Listen:

Step 3) Add the following to /etc/postfix/

content_filter = scan:

receive_override_options = no_address_mappings

Step 5) Add the following to /etc/postfix/

# AV scan filter (used by content_filter)

scan      unix  -       -       n       -       16      smtp        -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes# For injecting mail back into postfix from the filter inet  n -       n       -       16      smtpd        -o content_filter=        -o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_header_body_checks        -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=        -o smtpd_client_restrictions=        -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=        -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject        -o mynetworks_style=host        -o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=


  1. apt-get install clamav-testfiles

  2. the test files are in /usr/share/clamav-testfiles/

  3. Try sending these, you should see somewhere in the logs. These below error messages were for sending the clam.exe through.

Tue Sep 12 15:10:48 2006 -> /var/spool/clamsmtp/clamsmtpd.ej4e58: Broken.Executable FOUND

Tue Sep 12 15:27:20 2006 -> /var/spool/clamsmtp/clamsmtpd.68z8Hr: Broken.Executable FOUND

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